
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Acidic Food Symptoms

Acidic Food Symptoms

Eating foods that are very acidic can cause the body to become toxic, which can lead to a host of health problem and maladies. When the system is too acidic, the body can react in ways to let you know that you should consume more alkaline foods.


    Acidic foods can cause the body to experience burning in the stomach, intestinal tract, and esophagus. This can lead to acid reflux and heartburn.


    Foods high in acid can create excess gas in the body, leading to bloating, belching and flatulence.


    Highly acidic foods can cause the feeling of upset stomach, nausea and sometimes vomiting. If vomiting occurs, it can often contain excess acid and can burn the throat.


    Coughing can occur when the diet contains too many highly acidic foods, which can include a dry, hacking coughing and a constant clearing of the throat.


    Acidic foods can cause pain in the body, primarily occurring around the digestive tract, including the stomach, intestines, and bowels. The pain can range from dull and grinding to sharp and stabbing.


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