
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Food Additives for Dogs With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is moderately common in dogs and can occur at any time. Symptoms of this condition typically are uncontrollable reverse flow of gastric or intestinal fluids into the esophagus (tube connecting throat and stomach), chronic vomiting, decreased appetite, lethargy, and whining when swallowing (indicating pain). Dogs of any age can be affected by acid reflux; however, younger dogs are at higher risk.


    Determine cause of acid reflux and severity. Inflammation can occur causing damage to the esophageal lining known as esophagitis. This is due to the stomach acid, bile and salts contacting the unprotected lining. Feeding a highly fatty meal, a heavy meal or big amounts of food can cause acid reflux. This causes extreme pressure in the stomach, which then applies pressure to the esophagus. A healthy esophagus can withstand most of this pressure. A weak esophageal sphincter (circular muscle) or previously damaged esophagus is more susceptible.

Diet Changes

    Feed smaller portions of low-fat and lower-protein meals. Offer meals multiple times throughout the day. Smaller meals will decrease pressure on the esophagus. Feeding frequently will prevent excess gastric acid from developing, because it is being utilized to break down and help digest food.


    Pour honey on a piece of bread and feed it to the dog about 20 minutes before a meal. Honey can coat and protect the esophagus from gastric acid. The bread keeps the honey from dissolving into the bloodstream before it reaches the lower end of the esophagus.

Digestive Aids

    Add digestive enzymes or probiotics either by capsule or from yogurt. Probiotics help break down and digest food.

    Some people have seen success with adding apple cider vinegar to the dog's diet to assist with correcting the pH level (measure of acidity or basicity) of the stomach.

    Slippery elm bark--the bark from slippery elm trees--has been used by some to soothe and coat the stomach as well as the esophagus.


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