
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Liquid Weight Loss

Liquid Weight Loss

Popular fad liquid diets are touted as allowing their users to lose weight rapidly and effortlessly. A liquid diet means staying away from solid food for several days, even weeks. One diet that is effective in quick weight loss is the Master Cleanse Diet, developed by Stanley Burroughs. It is an inexpensive at-home diet method that causes rapid weight loss. Juice diets, or juice fasts are also effective in quick weight loss. They may cause weight to come back after switching back to solid foods.

Master Cleanse Diet

    The Master Cleanse Diet, also known as the Lemonade Diet, is a liquid diet regimen that involves drinking a lemon concoction for every meal, and whenever you feel hungry throughout the day. You can make this recipe at home. For each batch of lemonade, you will need 14 tablespoons for lemon juice, 14 tablespoons maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 2 quarts of water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink at least 8 glasses a day of the liquid.

Juice Diet

    A juice diet does not mean you can drink as much cranberry juice cocktail as you want. Instead, juice diets focus on high-nutrient green drinks, carrot juice and other vegetable juices in order to get all the nutrients and vitamins that you would get from eating a meal full of fruit and vegetables, but with none of the added saturated fat or calories. Although this type of all-liquid diet is helpful for sick patients who may not be able to digest these nutrients in solid food, there is no reason for a healthy individual to stay on a liquid diet for very long. If you would like to lose weight with a liquid diet, aim for several days and monitor how you are feeling each day in order to determine whether or not you should continue.

Keeping the Weight Off

    The pitfall of most liquid diets is that people who try the diet will only lose water weight. They do not provide any long-term weight loss benefits. Although liquid diets can help you lose that initial weight, a diet full of green, leafy vegetables, lean proteins like beans and fish, fruit, and lots of water can help keep the weight off. Weight loss can only be possible if you are burning off nearly as many calories as you are consuming per day. Otherwise, even a long-term liquid diet will not solve long-term weight loss issues.


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