
Friday, May 17, 2013

Foods to Keep Your Heart Healthy

If you want to maintain a healthy heart, or if you are recovering from heart disease, one major change you can make is to modify your diet. Choosing heart-healthy foods can improve your overall health and keep your heart working well for years to come.


    Choose heart-healthy meats and other sources of protein in your diet. Try fish, particularly salmon or tuna, which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and protein. You can also choose beans, like black beans or kidney beans; these foods are high in protein but low in fat.
    Nuts can be a healthy snack for cardiovascular health. Try grabbing a handful of walnuts or almonds the next time you need an afternoon boost; you'll get protein into your diet that will help you feel fuller longer and help your heart function better.


    Whole grains are best for overall health. Try oatmeal for breakfast, which will not only stick with you longer than other breakfast choices but also benefit your heart. Substitute brown rice for white in your recipes to increase your B-vitamins and fiber for heart health. Ground flaxseed is also beneficial because of its omega-3 fatty acid and fiber content; sprinkle it into your cereal or yogurt in the morning for a healthy boost.
    For other healthy substitutions, purchase whole-grain and whole-wheat bread instead of white bread for your sandwiches. You can also find whole-grain pasta options for your next spaghetti night, and whole-wheat flour for baking.

Fruits and Vegetables

    Eating more fruits and vegetables can be beneficial in general. Specifically, however, some fruits and veggies are better for your heart health than others. Try blueberries and apples, which are high in vitamins and fiber. Spinach in your salads can provide you with nutritious fiber as well, and carrots provide healthy beta carotene. Substitute sweet potatoes for the white variety and gain vitamins A, C and E. Try adding asparagus and tomatoes to your diet, and eat more oranges and papaya.
    You can find plenty of tasty, healthy options in fruits and vegetables that will improve your heart health.


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