There are a variety of ways you can get help for depression. The most important is a visit to the doctor for evaluation. You physician may prescribe medication, suggest you go to a therapist or even get some extra exercise. All of these are fantastic suggestions that should be followed, but there is something else you can do and that is to eat better. Dietitians and doctors alike will agree there are foods you should eat to help your mood and there are foods that hurt. Follow these easy steps in changing your diet to help elevate depression.
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Eat more Omega-3 fatty acids. You can find Omega-3 in fish like salmon, herring and tuna as well as in certain nuts like walnuts, butternuts, soybeans and flaxseed. Try switching from regular vegetable oil to canola, flaxseed or soybean oil because they are good sources of Omega 3 as well. In studies, Omega 3 helped improve depression, behavior in children and bipolar disorder.
2Drinking or eating calcium rich foods can also help your mood by reducing anxiety and help you sleep better. It's important for people who are depressed to get enough sleep. You can get calcium from dairy sources like skim milk, low fat cheese and yogurt, but also from broccoli, kale, orange juice, whole grain cereal and tofu.
3Avoid sugar and processed white carbohydrates as much as possible. Examples of processed white carbs are rice, pasta and white bread. Try switching to the whole grain varieties of these food or avoiding them all together. They give you a quick boost but then sink your insulin levels.
4Increase certain minerals and vitamins. Different studies have shown that increasing vitamins C and E by eating more fruits and vegetables can have a positive effect on depression. Eating more foods rich in niacin (vitamin B-3) and folic acid can help too. Chicken, beets, beans and fatty fish have a lot of niacin, while leafy greens and orange juice are good sources of folic acid.
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