
Sunday, January 5, 2014

About GERD Diet Treatment

The GERD diet treatment is designed to alleviate the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, which occurs when the lining of the esophagus is exposed to stomach acid, creating symptoms such as a burning discomfort in the chest or abdomen and persistent heartburn.


    The GERD diet calls for an overall decrease in calories and fat. Large meals should be avoided. A diet high in fat and calories can increase the chances of reflux from occurring. Individuals with GERD who are extremely overweight or obese should seek out a weight-loss plan, as obesity tends to promote reflux.


    The GERD diet treatment limits coffee and chocolate. Individuals with GERD may need to avoid citrus juices, alcohol or sodas, as they tend to promote reflux. However, these foods do not affect all individuals who have GERD.


    Individuals who have GERD should consult with a physician or dietary specialist to design a diet plan that is right for them. During your consultation, tell your dietitian what specific foods trigger symptoms of GERD. Your dietitian may have you keep a food journal, or a detailed record of the foods you ate and how you felt after you ate them. A food journal will help you identify foods that trigger the painful symptoms of GERD.


    In addition to following a strict diet, individuals with GERD should avoid wearing tight pants that put pressure on the stomach. They should also avoid napping or going to bed after a meal. Smoking should also be avoided, as it promotes acid reflux and could result in an excess of stomach acid.


    In addition to diet and lifestyle changes, individuals with GERD may need to control their symptoms by taking over-the-counter antacids and H-2 receptor blockers such as Pepcid AC. If the symptoms are severe enough, prescription strength medications may be needed.


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