
Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Cranberry Fat Flush Diet

Interested in losing weight and inches and decreasing bloating? Are you willing to give up white sugar, white flour, coffee, alcohol and most carbs? If so, you might consider the Cranberry Fat Flush Diet, based on a book by nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman. The diet is intended to help you increase your metabolism and speed fat and weight loss, focusing on essential fats, proteins and a cranberry juice mixture that consists of cranberry juice, water and psyllium husks or flaxseed.

Getting Started

    In a two-week Phase 1, dieters focus on a fat flush, restricting calories to 1,100-1,200 per day. Participants drink the cranberry cocktail throughout the day and can eat foods such as eggs, vegetables, fruits and lean proteins; however, fruits and vegetables and milk and meat are not to be eaten at the same meal. (Those hoping to lose more than 25 pounds are encouraged to stay in this phase for up to one month.)

    Moderate exercise is encouraged throughout the diet. Likewise, dieters are asked to take measurements throughout the diet to note progress.

The Ongoing Fat Flush

    The middle phase is known as the ongoing fat flush and allows for 1,200-1,500 calories per day; the focus is still on weight loss, but participants are given more food options, including some carbs (such as sweet potates, cooked carrots and sprouted-grain toast). Again, moderate exercise is encouraged.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

    In the final phase, known as "The Lifestyle Eating Plan," participants turn to maintenance and can consume more than 1,500 calories per day. During this phase, two additional servings of selected carbohydrates, such as beans, corn tortillas and popcorn are allowed, as well as certain dairy products, including low-fat cottage or ricotta cheese and plain low- or non-fat yogurt.

    Those who have tried the Cranberry Fat Flush Diet report quick weight loss and feeling healthier and say the plan is affordable and makes eating out easy. Challenges include hunger during the initial two-week Phase 1. The book also includes 41 recipes for healthy eating.


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