
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Quick Weight Loss Methods

Quick weight loss is what everyone wants, isn't it? If only it were possible to wake up and have all those extra pounds gone. While losing a lot of weight takes time, there are many things you can do to lose weight quickly.


    Exercise increases your body's metabolism so it builds muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories and fat your body will burn. Most experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise daily. However, to lose weight quickly, exercise more or increase the intensity.If you walk 30 minutes each day already, try jogging for 30 minutes or walking for 60 minutes. You will soon see a difference in the scale.

No Snacking

    Concentrate on the traditional three meals a day. Do not allow yourself any between-meal snacks. If you are tempted by the vending machines at work, have a glass of water instead or take a quick walk around the building. If you absolutely must have something to eat, keep a bag of carrot or celery sticks handy or a box of sugar-free mints to give your hands and mouth something to do.

No Seconds

    At meal times, limit yourself to one plateful. Enjoy the foods you love by savoring each bite slowly. Do not go back for seconds. Drink water between bites and chat with your friends or colleagues to make the meal last longer.


    Drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water each day. Grab a glass of water when you feel hungry or tempted to snack. Have another glass before every meal. What most of us think of as hunger pains may actually be the first sign of dehydration.

Wear the Right Clothes

    If you want to lose weight quickly for a special occasion, such as a wedding or class reunion, take time to shop for an outfit that fits your size and body type. The right outfit can take pounds off your body and help you look your very best. Remember, no one knows the size except you.


    Those with chronic medical conditions should consult a doctor or nutritionist before trying to lose weight. Take all medications and follow all treatment plans as directed.


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