
Friday, September 20, 2013

Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman finally has society's blessing to eat a lot, usually a luxury enjoyed only by men. So, it is not surprising that some women tend to overdo it by following the old adage, "eat for two," cramming as many calories into each day as possible. While it is true that a pregnant woman must gain weight in order to have a healthy baby, in reality, she only needs an extra 300 calories per day during pregnancy. Accordingly, the first rule of fast postnatal weight loss is to stay within the recommended weight gain of 25 to 35 pounds.


    Not only is breast-feeding the best choice for your baby's health it is also one of the most effective aids in helping you to lose that baby weight. In fact, one of the reasons your body puts on pounds during pregnancy is to provide the caloric energy needed to breast-feed your baby, which can take up to 500 calories per day.


    If your doctor gives you the green light to exercise during pregnancy, this can help keep your weight gain under control and will also make losing weight post-pregnancy easier. Something as simple as a 30-minute walk or a prenatal yoga class several times a week will pay off in the long run.

    Six weeks after a vaginal birth and eight weeks after a C-section, you may begin exercising again. Start slowly and gradually work up to 30 minutes of low-impact exercise. Walking is great, especially because you can bring your baby along in the stroller. Some postnatal yoga classes are also baby-friendly.

    You can also do a variety of yoga stretches and strengthening exercises in the comfort of your own home, while your baby watches (or sleeps). Check your local library for books and videos on specialized home-exercise routines for new moms. Don't shun strengthening exercises in favor of cardiovascular exercise. Building lean muscle mass is crucial in boosting your metabolism, which will result in lasting weight loss. A combination of cardio and strength training will produce the fastest results.

    As an added benefit, exercise will also help to minimize postpartum depression.


    If you are breast-feeding, you will need to consider your baby's nutritional needs before your own desire to lose weight. This is not the time for crash diets. Instead, focus on eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. This will serve both you and your baby well.

    A doctor or nutritionist may help you to determine minimum caloric requirements during this important time in your baby's development, as well as recommend a postnatal vitamin to ensure that you're meeting all of your daily requirements for vitamins and minerals.

Positive Thinking

    Above all, do not lose hope. It took you nine months to put the weight on; it's going to take some time to lose it. "Fast" weight loss after pregnancy should not be too fast, or else you are risking you and (if breast-feeding) your baby's health. A positive attitude and persistence are paramount in the journey back to your pre-pregnancy shape.


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