
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Lemon Citrus Diet

The lemon citrus diet is known as a relatively safe way to slim the body while also detoxifying it. Lemon juice is good for the body and is packed with vitamin C, helps lower blood sugar, and contains pectin which makes you feel full longer. Lemon juice has also been known to enhance the body's metabolism and speed up the absorption of healthy vitamins. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Purchasing lemons

    The lemon juice diet is relatively simple. Choose freshly picked lemons, or organic. If you can't find organic lemons, soak regular lemons in lukewarm water with a few drops of dish-washing detergent to remove any harmful chemical and pesticide residue. The two main types of sour lemons are Eureka and Lisbon. The Eureka lemon usually has a much more textured skin compared to the Lisbon lemon which has a smooth skin in comparison. There are also sweet varieties including the Meyer lemon. You can tell if the fruit is ripe if the skin is shiny, not very hard when squeezing and light yellow all over. It is also notable to point out that the size of the lemon is no indication to how much fruit the lemon actually contains. For example, some small lemons with a thin peel will generally contain more juice on average than that of a large lemon with a thick peel.

Lemon Recipes

    To make the Lemon detox drink, mix 2 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 cups of filtered water, a pinch of cayenne pepper and 1 tsp of grade B maple syrup. You should drink this mixture at room temperature, and consume nothing else with it as it will interfere with the detoxification process. You can detox for as long as you wish but the recommended amount of time is one to seven days. You can also use lemons to make lemonade. Lemonade can be made with 6 lemons, 1 pints of water, ice cubes, and 2 tbsp of maple syrup. Garnish with peppermint leaves if desired.


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