
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Quick Postpartum Weight Loss

After going through hours of labor, getting use to a newborn and fighting through sleepless nights, a new mother's next task is usually shedding the extra pounds she put on during her pregnancy. Finding the time and the energy for exercising can be a struggle in itself, but there are some convenient ways to lose your baby weight without over-committing to a rigorous exercise program.


    Breast-feeding is an easy way to burn between 600 to 800 calories without even breaking a sweat. You have to keep in mind, however, that once you start breast-feeding your caloric requirements will drop significantly. You should begin either eating less calories or exercising a bit more to balance it out.


    Yoga poses can help strengthen muscles that were weakened during labor, such as your lower abs and pelvic floor. It's also a great workout and stress reliever. Yoga is a convenient exercise regimen for new mothers because you can squeeze in a few poses while your baby naps. You may be able to find local yoga classes at a gym or other facility that will provide child care while you exercise.


    Even if you find yourself entangled in the busiest schedule, more than likely you can always find time for a walk. By going to a neighborhood park or track and walking for 30 minutes with your baby in the stroller, you can burn hundreds of calories while taking in fresh air and getting the recommended amount of daily movement. You can also walk with other new moms to make it more entertaining and to keep yourself motivated.


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