
Monday, September 23, 2013

Tae Bo & Diet for Quick Weight Loss

Tae Bo is a form of high-impact exercise that stands for Total Awareness Excellent Body Obedience. Created and designed by Billy Blanks, this form of exercise blends karate, boxing, Tae Kwon Do and even some dance to offer a variety of workout levels and programs. The American Council on Exercise states, "Have a solid fitness foundation before beginning a Tae Bo workout." Millions of men and women have purchased theTae Bo workouts since the late 1980s.


    You don't have to count every calorie or ounce or gram you put into your mouth if you merely stay away from fast foods and sweets during a diet plan. Eat balanced meals that offer proteins (meats, eggs, beans), moderate carbohydrates (wheat breads, pastas, crackers, vegetables) and fibers (fruits and vegetables). For quick weight loss, you must still eat. If you don't, your body will go into "starvation" mode and will hang on to fat cells instead of converting them into energy.

    While some stored fat may be used for energy, it does not disappear completely. So incorporate muscle-building workouts with diet. Aerobic exercise helps burn extra pounds off faster, replace fat with muscle, increase metabolism and lead to more lean muscle mass.

Tae Bo Basics

    Billy Blanks created Tae Bo using a combination of kickboxing, martial arts and traditional calisthenics into high- and low-impact exercise routines that increase cardiovascular health, flexibility and strength training in fairly easy to follow exercise routines.

    Start with the Billy's Bootcamp Basic routine to get a basic workout that works upper and lower body, waist, back and legs. Drink plenty of water during workouts, and be prepared to sweat. Another routine is Billy's Ab Bootcamp workout, 30 minutes of twisting and punching.

Tae Bo Advanced

    After you master Billy's Basics, try Billy's Bootcamp Elite series or the Ultimate series. These exercise routines aren't difficult, but they require focus, concentration, strength and lung stamina, so don't be disappointed if you don't get through routines on the first try. Billy's encouragement, user-friendly approaches and intense repetitions work every muscle, from the forearms to the calves. Every workout includes cardio segments, strength training and isometric moves.

    If you want a little more, try Billy's new T3 Total Transformation Training or AMPED routines, a sweat-inducing and high-paced workout.


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