
Friday, October 11, 2013

Food Choices for Quick Weight Loss

According to the Mayo Clinic, choosing the right foods allows you to eat larger portion sizes, with fewer calories. This helps dieters maximize their weight loss and feel satisfied for longer. However, to fast-track your weight loss, it's important to choose foods that are high in water, rich in fiber and packed with nutrients.

Choose Foods High in Water

    According to the Mayo Clinic, choosing foods that are higher in water provides a feeling of fullness, without the extra calories. For example, a grapefruit is 90 percent water and has less then 40 calories. Carrots are made up of 88 percent water and have approximately 50 calories per serving. Add foods that are high in water content to each meal.

Stock Up on Fiber-Rich Foods

    Fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables and 100 percent whole grains are high in volume and fiber, which makes you feel fuller. Make sure you have fiber-rich foods at each sitting to keep you satisfied for longer--and lose weight quicker.

Boost Fruit and Vegetable Intake

    Fruits and vegetables have many health benefits. Eating some with each meal will also make you feel fuller, and you'll eat less. The Mayo Clinic recommends cutting out some of the meat on your plate and replacing it with more fruits and veggies. Fiber- and water-rich fruits and veggies will stick with you for longer.

Add a Salad or Soup to Every Meal

    Adding a broth- or vegetable-based soup or a salad to each meal can help trim away extra pounds. Choose low-fat salad dressings, and eat the soup or salad before the main course. Also, round out your meal with a serving of whole grains, veggies and salmon for your main course. Always choose lean protein sources for every meal.

Avoid Fad Diets

    According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, fad diets may provide short-term results, but the best results come from long-term lifestyle changes.


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