
Monday, October 7, 2013

Healthy Eating & Exercise Regime for Quick Weight Loss

Losing weight fast can be dangerous if an improper plan is chosen. Yo-yo and fad diets, fluid diets, and dietary supplements often claim that they offer the best method to lose pounds fast. For those who want to lose weight in the healthiest way possible, these options are unsuitable. By carefully selecting healthy options to eat and introducing regular exercise, it is possible to work toward that svelte figure we all crave.


    Carefully choose what you eat. One meal a day should consist solely of salad, soup, or a modest amount of both. Avoid bread, dairy products, and all fried and processed foods. Regularly opt for a breakfast of oatmeal or granola with soy or rice milk. Fresh fruit sliced on top is the perfect sweetener. Just as important is what you're drinking. Cutting out all soda and beer will create a significant reduction in your waist size over the course of a month. Stick with water and plain tea instead. Quantity is also an important thing to consider. Your portions shouldn't be massive or pigeon-sized, but somewhere in between. Good snacking options include whole foods such as pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Lastly, eat meals high in carbohydrates earlier in the day and avoid eating much, if anything, after dinner.


    Make exercise a regular part of your plan. If you have not exercised in some time, plan on exercising only as much as you are able. If your fitness is lacking, working out for 30 minutes, three days a week with a rest day in between, is a good place to start. Include a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises. For example, an aerobic day might include a 30-minute walk, a bicycle ride, or a jog. An anaerobic day might include standing lunges, core workouts, or gym machines. Most important of all is to do what you love. If swimming is your thing, head to the pool. Gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts each week. Set goals for yourself to help motivate you. Keeping a record of your progress might also help with motivation. Lastly, don't waste your time doing anything that will not motivate you to continue. This is especially true when you are attempting to lose weight fast.


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