
Friday, August 2, 2013

Food to Avoid for Heartburn

Heartburn is a condition that affects the stomach and the throat. There is a valve above your food pipe that usually keeps digestive juices down in the stomach, but when this valve malfunctions, acid reflux occurs and an acidic substance comes back up into the throat. This feeling is made worse by eating large meals--especially before lying down. Steer clear of the following trigger foods to minimize the uncomfortable symptoms of heartburn.

Citrus Fruits

    Grapefruit and oranges (along with orange juice) are known to exacerbate heartburn. Definitely stay away from these if you have an empty stomach.


    Tomatoes can be bad news for those suffering from heartburn. This also includes tomato-based comfort foods like spaghetti and pizza.


    While garlic doesn't bother some people, it can cause unbearable heartburn flare-ups for some. If you notice that garlic powder bothers you less than fresh garlic, stick with the powdered spice.

Spicy Foods

    Certain ethnic cuisines are known for their flavorful, spicy bang. However, if you have a problem with acid reflux, watch the level of spice in your Indian, Mexican and Thai food.

Fatty Foods

    While your mind might convince you that you crave a quarter-pounder with cheese and chili fries, your body knows it's a bad idea. Overly processed foods that are high in saturated fat will definitely trigger a heartburn reaction.


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