
Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Does Losing Weight Affect Overall Health?

Health and Wellness Benefits of Losing Weight

    Losing weight offers several health benefits for those who are overweight or obese. Maintaining a healthy weight can improve self-esteem, reduce the risk of certain diseases and health problems, and improves overall well-being. Excess body fat can be reduced with a number of simple weight loss methods including dieting, exercise and weight loss surgery.

Health Problems Linked to Excess Weight

    Being overweight or obese increases the risk of several health problems and diseases. Researchers confirm that excess fat on the body can lead to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, fatigue, joint problems and muscle pain. Excess body weight can also make it difficult to get through the day with a high energy level; too much body fat has been linked to constant fatigue, muscle soreness and joint problems, making it difficult to manage day-to-day tasks with ease.

    Excess weight can also have an impact on self-esteem and a person's self-image. Being overweight or obese has social implications, and many people who fall into this category experience discrimination and poor social relationships that may stem from a low self-esteem. Losing even a few pounds can result in improved self-esteem and enhanced feelings of well-being.

Common Methods for Losing Weight

    Losing weight in a healthy way can be challenging for most people, but slow and steady weight loss is the key to long-term success. The most common methods for losing weight include: eating a well-balanced, low-calorie diet; engaging in more physical activities; reducing stress in the environment; refraining from overeating on a regular basis; and undergoing weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery). Fad diets and extreme diet measures such as diet pills or other weight loss drugs can produce results in the short-term, but these methods run the risk of causing a number of health problems in the long-term.

Healthy Ways to Begin Losing Weight and Improve Overall Health

    Eating a calorie-restricted diet and engaging in more physical activities are some of the safest and most common methods for losing weight. A formal weight loss program can be undertaken under the supervision of a weight loss counselor or nutritional therapist.

    Starting a diet or weight loss program can be the most difficult step for people who want to lose weight for the long-term, but persistence and a commitment to become healthier can make weight loss an easier process.

    Making simple dietary and lifestyle changes can offset weight gain and even help with the weight loss process. Eating less junk food, consuming more wholesome and nutritious foods, and engaging in regular physical activity are simple and effective ways for losing weight and reducing the risk of health problems associated with excess weight gain.


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