
Friday, August 30, 2013

Which Foods Are Acid or Alkaline in the Stomach?

Remember those strips in high school that were dipped into chemicals and turned colors depending on the acidity or alkalinity? Foods are said to do the same thing: what foods are eaten determine the body's level of acidity and alkalinity. The goal of consuming acid and alkaline foods is to stabilize the body's pH level.

Alkaline Foods

    To rectify a pH imbalance, eat more alkaline foods. Many acid/alkaline charts reach the same consensus: a wide variety of fruits are alkaline. Berries, melons, apples and even citrus are considered alkaline. Some proteins are alkaline as well: nuts, tofu and tempeh are a few. All vegetables and leafy greens (with the exception or corn, olives, squash and lentils) are alkaline.

Acid Foods

    Most all animal proteins are measured acidic, though some contention exists regarding eggs and chicken. Dairy is acidic, except for certain products that contain probiotics (or "friendly" bacteria that helps digestion). Examples of probiotic dairy products are yogurt and kefir. Otherwise, dairy products like butter, cheese and ice cream are acid-forming. All grains from quinoa to macaroni to oatmeal are acidic. The same is true for legumes and beans like chick peas, soy beans and rice milk. Fats from oils, alcohol, coffee and sweeteners are all acid-forming.

A Healthy pH Level

    Anywhere between 7.32 and 7.42 is a healthy pH level. Anything above 7.42 is alkaline and anything below 7.32 is acidic. Christopher Vasey and John Graham elaborate in their book, "The Acid-Alkaline Diet," that keeping the body in balance promotes sustained vitamin and mineral levels, a healthy digestive system and stable mood.

A pH Imbalance

    If the body is saturated with foods that are either too acidic or too alkaline, an imbalance occurs. An imbalance can result in a lowered immune system, mineral depletion and mood swings. Felicia Drury Kliment, author of "The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet," explains in detail how acid foods can cause bone loss, muscle wasting, and calcium and magnesium deficiencies. Most diets, which are high in meat and processed foods, are too acidic. As such, the majority of people strive to alkalize the body.

How To Measure the Body's pH Level

    Unlike in high school where basic test strips sufficed, special test strips must be used. Technically, basic strips can be used but will not produce results with enough specificity. Specialized testing strips can be found at specialty stores like Whole Foods or can be purchased online (see Resources).


    While it may appear that "junk foods" and unhealthy items are acidic, remember that the key is to balance acid and alkaline. Therefore, elimination of all acid-forming foods is not necessary or desirable. The objective of the acid-alkaline diet is to eat more fruits and vegetables, an adage common in nutrition, regardless of the specific diet.


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