
Monday, August 11, 2014

About the Side Effects of Slim Quick

Slim Quick is a powerful appetite suppressant made with several thermogenic ingredients and diuretics to help increase the metabolic rate and stimulate weight loss. The pills are available over-the-counter, and are designed for overweight women looking for an ephedra-free weight loss formula.


    Slim Quick is a diet pill designed specifically for women who are struggling to lose weight. The formula contains several ingredients that help to suppress the appetite, reduce the risk of body fat storage and reduce water retention and bloating. The pills are designed to be taken with a diet and exercise program and the makers of the pills claim that the pills will increase energy and reduce the appetite to make weight loss an easy process.


    Slim Quick diet pills are designed to be taken in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet, and contain several ingredients that help to raise the metabolic heart rate, reduce the chance of body fat storage and eliminate excess water retention. The pills contain a significant amount of caffeine, a natural appetite suppressant, so that the dieter can maintain a reduced-calorie diet and sustain a high energy level long enough to lose weight. However, these all-natural ingredients may have adverse side effects on some people. The compounds may cause irritability, anxiety, nervousness, jitteriness, insomnia and excessive thirst or hunger when the pills wear off.


    Slim Quick is made with a number of ingredients that elevate the heart rate, reduce the appetite and deplete the body of excess water. These ingredients can be dangerous for those who have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure, or for those who are taking other types of medications and herbal supplements. The diuretic properties of the supplement can deplete the body of essential nutrients and vitamins and cause dehydration.


    Even though green tea is an all-natural ingredient, it may cause adverse side effects in some people who are sensitive to caffeine. Caffeine suppresses the appetite but also has the potential to dehydrate the body and create a blood sugar imbalance when a dieter does not eat for long periods of time. The makers of Slim Quick claim that a dieter can lose 10 pounds in just seven days, there is not an extensive amount of research or data available to support this claim.


    Individuals interested in taking Slim Quick and other caffeine-based diet pills need to consult with a physician before beginning their diet and supplementation program. Slim Quick and other diet pills are not quick-fix weight loss solutions, nor are they a substitute for a healthy diet and consistent exercise regimen. At most, diet pills such as Slim Quick will help a dieter reduce cravings and elevate their basal metabolic rate so that burning calories becomes easier.


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