
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Lose Weight With Whey Protein Shakes

Whey protein shakes are consumed as a means to reduce caloric intake while providing nutrition to athletes. The Whey Protein Institute argues that whey protein features the highest amounts of protein in proportion to mass that is available within any known natural source. Supplement your diet appropriately with whey protein shakes to lose weight and build muscle efficiently.



    Prioritize your workout goals according to utility and cosmetics. For example, football players may wish to drop weight for quickness, yet maintain lower-body power for physical play. Conversely, female beach goers would prefer toned midsections, legs and triceps, rather than bulk. List the order of importance of personal fitness goals so you can coordinate particular diet and exercise guidelines alongside your whey protein shake regimen.

    Consider sharing these plans with a licensed medical professional to make adjustments and remain confident that the high protein diet and workout routines are suitable for your health.


    Buy a grade of whey protein that matches your workout objectives and budget. Whey is a byproduct of the conversion of milk to cheese. and costs are directly related to the protein content compared to the saturated fats and lactose levels that arise from the process. Muscle and Strength divides whey protein into isolate, concentrate and blend categories.

    Whey protein concentrate is the economical grade---but carries larger amounts of fat in exchange for lower prices. Whey protein concentrate often ranges from 50 to 75 percent protein by mass. Whey protein isolate is the premium category and features more than 90 percent protein by weight. Of course, blends represent mixtures of the two and target the middle price point.


    Mix whey protein shakes according to taste. Whey protein powder may be without flavor, or feature vanilla, chocolate or strawberry flavoring. Mix the powder with fruits, juices, water, or milk to provide carbohydrates and other nutrients. For example, orange juice and vanilla whey protein is an ideal combination of citrus taste, protein, carbohydrates and vitamin C.


    Begin whey protein consumption as an alternative to unhealthy foods that are heavy in saturated fats and sugars. Use whey protein shakes as a means to neutralize short-term hunger and eliminate junk food cravings. Gradually increase whey protein intake as complete meal replacements according to the urgency of your situation.


    Integrate 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity into your routine every day by taking the stairs, or walking for transportation. Add strength training and moderate aerobic exercise over time to build lean muscle and endurance. Always prepare a whey protein shake after your fitness routine. The National Institutes of Health reasons that muscle fibers become damaged with exercise and need to be rebuilt with protein after strenuous activity.


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