
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Vitamin C Powder With Juice Diet

According to the Mayo Clinic, vitamin C is a powerful immune booster. The best sources of vitamin C include color fruits like strawberries, oranges and apples. You can also get vitamin C from green peppers and broccoli. You can also follow a vitamin C powder diet with juice to raise your immunity and lose weight. Vegetable juices help clear out toxins and improve cell communication.

Vitamin C Powder

    You can get vitamin C powder at a health food store. EmergenC is a popular brand, and you can find others online. You will also need a juicer, and a high-quality one like the Juiceman Pro or the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer. Once you find your favorite vitamin C power, add the mixture to your juice every day. The vitamin C powder juice diet is flexible. You can do a complete juice fast or drink juice along with eating healthy meals. If you are trying to lose weight, you will need to get your nourishment from the juice or at very light meals. Talk to your doctor before starting any new diet and exercise program.

    In addition to drinking fresh juice, you also need to consume plenty of water each day. Drink 8 to 10 glasses. If you work out or spend time in the sun, drink more.

Raw Vegetable Juices

    Drink raw vegetable juice with vitamin C powder twice daily. Enjoy a raw vegetable juice in the afternoon and evening. Do not mix fruits and vegetables in a juicer. You can have fruit juice, but be sure to drink it separately because mixing fruit and vegetables together can be hard on the stomach, causing acid reflux and indigestion. Go to the grocery store and load up on colorful vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, kale, wheat grass and just about any vegetable that is good for juicing. Drink your juice slowly.

Raw Fruit Juices

    Drink raw fruit juice twice weekly in the morning. Fruit juice is also beneficial because it contains antioxidants. However, too much fruit can give you a sugar rush. Drink much more vegetable juice, in comparison with fruit juices. Buy a variety of your favorite fruits such as strawberries, oranges, pineapples and lemons. Add vitamin C powder to your fruit juice blends. Drink fruit juice only in the morning. Otherwise, the excess sugar might keep you awake at night. If you tend to have acid reflux, add some of the pulp back into your glass. The pulp is collected at the back of the juicer.


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