
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fastest & Safest Ways to Lose Weight

Fastest & Safest Ways to Lose Weight

While undertaking a weight loss plan is not an easy thing to do, there are certain guidelines everyone can follow. While everyone is interested in the fastest way to lose weight, the safety factor is often ignored. Fortunately, the fastest and safest ways to lose weight are based largely on the same principle. It includes making sure you are physically capable of exercising, coming up with a plan and executing that plan as best you can.

The Consultation

    For those who have gone an extended period of time in a sedentary lifestyle, or who have health concerns, it may be best to be seen by a doctor. The doctor can assess your overall health and determine if starting an exercise routine is safe. If so, he may suggest you not exceed a certain level of activity, or may give no restrictions at all.

The Plan

    Getting started in an exercise program means having a plan. Make sure that plan offers accountability. Start a plan by determining the number of time each week you want to exercise. Most recommend at least three, with four or five being ideal. Once that is determined, fill in the calendar with certain exercises. Some may even want to choose a certain hour each day and put it on a daily schedule.

Counting Calories

    No matter what the latest miracle diet or miracle weight loss drugs purports, losing weight comes down to a very simple equation. You must expend more calories than you take in. Maintaining a weight happens when both of these things are in equilibrium. This is usually very difficult, which is why people's weights fluctuates around a stable center. If more calories come in than are expended, weight gain is realized. Get a calorie counter or go online for calorie counters (see "Resources" below).

Including Exercise

    Losing weight is not a process of self starvation, though at times it may seem like it. As stated above, the goal is to watch your calories and expend more than you take in. That does not mean it is necessary to cut calories in all cases. In some cases, simply adding more activity may be the key to losing weight. Exercise should focus on cardiovascular activities, such as aerobics, kick boxing, walking, jogging, cycling or swimming. However, a balanced exercise program will also include some strength training, either with free weights or machines.

Taking It Easy

    Caution should be taken to avoid doing too much too quickly, which is the tendency. This is neither the safest or fastest way to lose weight. Doing too much can cause muscle fatigue and lead to poor form when exercising. That could cause injuries and lead to a delay in your exercise goals. This is why taking it slow, at least at first, is recommended.


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