
Saturday, July 13, 2013

How to Lose Belly Fat & Gain Muscle Fast

How to Lose Belly Fat & Gain Muscle Fast

Gaining muscle while losing belly fat takes hard work and effort, but is very achievable with a good training plan. Any training plan must incorporate three essential elements: a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet; good-quality rest and sleep; and exercises specific to developing muscles and losing fat.



    Eat a well-balanced meal three times a day. Incorporate fish, soy, lean meats, dairy products and beans into your diet for the healthy protein essential to build muscles. In addition, consume pasta, fruits, potatoes and rice for the healthy carbohydrates and resultant energy necessary for your workouts.


    Consume yogurt, energy bars or chocolate milk 15 minutes before you work out, in addition to your three daily meals. These foods will efficiently fuel your body for the exercise ahead.


    Perform light aerobic exercises to begin any training session. Walking or jogging while swinging your arms will increase circulation to, and raise the temperature of, your muscles. This increases muscle pliability and lessens the chance of injury.


    Work each of the six major muscle groups individually. Exercises that will build muscle mass and decrease body fat include squats and lunges for the legs, biceps and triceps curls for the arms, press ups and bench presses for the chest, sit ups for the stomach, rowing-machine exercises for the back and lateral dumbbell raises for the shoulders.


    Do eight to 15 repetitions for each exercise, rest for one minute, perform another eight to 15 repetitions, again rest for one minute and finally perform a third repetition before moving on to a different exercise. Use enough weight that you are struggling to complete the last repetition in each set.


    Perform light aerobic exercise such as walking or jogging to cool down after finishing your workout. This will allow your muscles to cool down gradually rather than suddenly and lessens the possibility of any injury.


    Eat foods high in protein and carbohydrate again 15 minutes after you have finished your workout to assist your body in repairing damaged muscles. Orange juice, cereal, yogurt, banana, lean meat and wholewheat bread are all foods that are effective in helping to rebuild muscle.


    Sleep early and avoid alcoholic drinks and coffee as much as possible. Quality rest is as important as exercise in building muscle mass and reducing fat.


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