
Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Calculate Daily Carbohydrate Intake for Weight Control

Calculating daily carbohydrate intake helps people lose weight quickly and helps people maintain weight effectively. Starting the day with a high-protein breakfast and counting carbohydrates throughout the day is one of the best ways to help people who have the hardest time with diets lose weight. If you want to figure out what your daily carbohydrate intake is for weight loss or just want to maintain a healthy weight, follow the steps below.



    If you want to lose weight, start out from 20 to 70 carbohydrates a day. At this level you should lose weight and not have cravings. As long as you feel well during the day, stay at this number of carbohydrates for a few weeks unless you reach your weight loss goal. If you're not losing weight and just maintaining weight, reduce daily carbohydrate intake by 10 each week until you start losing a one to two pounds of weight each week. Keep in mind that the average daily carbohydrate intake on the Atkins' diet begins at 20 carbohydrates per day during the induction phase.


    If you want to maintain weight through daily carbohydrate intake, start at 100 carbohydrates a day. If you find that number works for you, that's great; however, most people will have to adjust their daily carbohydrate intake to find a number of carbohydrates that work well for them. Adjust your carbohydrate intake by 10 to 20 carbohydrates up or down each week respectively until you find a number that works well for you.


    Calculate daily carbohydrate intake for weight control by adjusting number the number of carbohydrates according to your age, weight, and activity level. Use the online carbohydrate calculator by following the link in the resource section below. Daily carbohydrate intake will fluctuate depending on many factors like age, weight, and activity level. Once you find the number of carbohydrates you need to function and meet your weight goals, you will find this number fluctuates as you get older and your body changes. If you focus on your body's needs and watch your weight, it won't be long until you're sensitive to your body's daily carbohydrate intake requirement.


    Weigh yourself every few days and measure your body fat. If you change your activity level, you many find that your body requires more or less carbohydrates per day respectively. When people exercise, they also burn carbohydrates in addition to calories. If you start to work out more, make sure to monitor your body's daily carbohydrate intake by watching your weight closely and making sure to weigh yourself every few days. As your body's muscle mass increases, your carbohydrate intake should increase as well since muscles burn more carbohydrates throughout the day than fat.


    Familiarize yourself with carbohydrate counts for foods. Carbohydrates are always listed on package labels. For meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit, use the carbohydrate counter in the resource section below. Since most people eat similar foods each day, it won't take long to be able to calculate daily carbohydrate intake for weight control without researching.


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